Fake UNSW, university of New South Wales academic transcript

Fake UNSW, university of New South Wales official academic transcript. UNSW academic results. The University of New South Wales has 10 colleges and 1 graduate school with a total of 75 departments. The Graduate School was funded by the Australian Ministry of Defence and was established in 1981. The students are all cadets studying art, science and engineering. This university is also known as the Australian Defence Military Academy. Among the 10 colleges, the School of Art is a former urban art school in Paddington merged with the University of New South Wales. The School of Life Sciences and the College of Science and Technology were established in 1997. The remaining colleges are: College of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Architecture and Environment, School of Trade and Economics, School of Engineering, School of Law, School of Medicine, School of Management. The University of New South Wales places great emphasis on cross-border exchanges and developments in education and research. Currently, the university has nearly 9,000 international students from 135 countries. In addition, there are more than 1,800 international students in pre-university and language learning institutions at the university. The university currently has more than 1,600 Chinese students in different teaching and research fields, accounting for 4% of the total students and 17% of international students.